the a-list Originally uploaded by brianwyrick These people got to show up at 9. Looks like the room will be half full by the time we get in.
the a-list Originally uploaded by brianwyrick These people got to show up at 9. Looks like the room will be half full by the time we get in.
stairway to heaven… more waiting Originally uploaded by brianwyrick another gripping update from wwdc.
more waiting Originally uploaded by brianwyrick more waiting for the keynote… this time inside the main lab/lunch area.
In Line for the keynote. Originally uploaded by brianwyrick Up at 4:30 and end up with a pretty good spot in line!
ipod vending machine Originally uploaded by brianwyrick Seems like it would be hard to listen to an iPod without putting music on it… unless I’m missing something. This is test via flickr. I survived the flight. See you at the keynote.