On Monday afternoon I walked around for a while, WWDC is nice and gives you two hours for lunch. Today (Wednesday) was the first time there was a lunch speaker (who was awesome by the way). As I was heading across 5th street, a man wearing a sandwich board was standing at the opposite side […]
Author: Brian Wyrick
End of WWDC Day Two
I sat in the Apple Design Awards today and was completly blown away by the applications I saw displayed, completely innovative and all developed by small teams of developers… even Blizzard’s Mac team, which one best game, is only five guys. TUAW.com does a good rundown with links: http://www.tuaw.com/2007/06/13/apple-design-awards-2007/
WWDC Day Two
Day two is good so far. I have been sitting in a lot of video processing and compression sessions. I am currently missing a web dev for iphone session that I think I need to go to.
If your a Geek.
I am posting updates from Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference in San Francisco this week at blog.brianwyrick.com. Probably won’t be too geeky.
Wrap up, WWDC Day One
I am feeling pretty rocked… I meant to check out some of the parties, but I am too wiped. To recap all of my quick updates from the Keynote: Highlights: EA Games to bring titles to Mac OS The new Leopard Finder looks great and features, consistent window looks, translucence in menu bar and a […]