Come out and rock with Medusa (featuring members of race bannon), Black Panel Van (Awesome rock from Muncie, Indiana), World Eater, and Thin Fevers (disclosure: I play in Thin Fevers) Alvin’s is alwasy a fun time. (It is the fire in the map below) View Larger Map
Author: Brian Wyrick
OS X Tip : Creating a Bootable backup on a FireWire Drive Everyone knows to create a backup before you do an Archive and Install or any sort of system maintenance, but very few actually do it. A recent experience has shown me the value of creating a mirror of your computer onto an external […]
InCase “Protective Cover for iPhone” Review I have made the mistake of holding out for the perfect cell phone or iPod case in the past. This has always ended up with a cracked iPond Nano screen, or a scuffed up cellphone. I have never really worried though, because I knew that one day I would […]
Thoughts on the iPhone Price Drop
This is a post I wrote in while attempting to become a blogger with TUAW. They didn’t pick me, so enjoy this somewhat dated post. 🙂 Thoughts on the iPhone Price Drop Everyone knew it was coming, the iPod touch is finally here. After years of speculation, Apple has finally unveiled the mecca of iPods. […]
RockitBomb Interviews: Episode 5 Feed Link | Subscribe in iTunes Download MP3 Interview with Matthew Caws and Daniel Lorca of Nada Surf October 18th, 2007 – Indianapolis, Indiana Matthew and Daniel of Nada Surf where kind enough to sit down for an interview before their show at Birdy’s Thursday. I was fortunate to be joined […]