I am going to shamelessly ask that you please go to www.indy.com/throwdown and vote for Thin Fever’s “Idiot Archipelago.” We shot this all on a Saturday at Greg Andrew’s palatial estate, and pretty much edited same day, quick and clean. We are very happy with it and hope you enjoy it enough to legitimately vote […]
Author: Brian Wyrick
RockitBomb Ride Home Show Episode 10 Feed Link | Subscribe in iTunes Download MP3 NOTE: This post was submitted by Ben Traub way back when, but since it was an episode of RockitBomb, it has remained. -Brian So thanks to seasonal sickness, my friend Heidi Philips (MotusDance.com) gave me some tix to go see the […]
Piebald – Accidental Gentlemen
This is a long overdue review of the Piebald’s final album “Accidental Gentlemen.” I received a review copy the same night that I finally saw Piebald, as well as the same night that both RockitBomb pod-casts where born. I was saddned to find out that Piebald called it quicks shortly after that interview. I have […]
Good news! Google Apps for your domain finally supports iMap. I have been wanting this feature for so long, and gMail for my domains is now a cornerstone of my digital life. Google, can we get caldav support next for Google Calendar?! Another note… Amazon.com has had a facelift. It looks great so far!
The local band everyone loves has signed to the bigs: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=10063212&blogID=323506692 Check out the link and drop them a message to congratulate or trash talk, depending on how punk you are.