Indianapolis Interviews Music Podcasts Rockitbomb Shows

Waves On Waves – Live at Birdy's September 4th.

Waves on Waves live set and interview from September 4th’s how at Birdy’s. Proving that WoW doesn’t always stand for World of Warcraft.

Indianapolis Music Rockitbomb

AC/DC is about to Rock.

Angus to rock Indy, shake voters all night long.

Indianapolis Interviews Music Podcasts Rockitbomb Shows

We Are Hex – Back From The Dead and Live. New Podcast.

We Are Hex Lives, and so does the RockitBomb podcast. A full live set from Indianapolis Chaos Rockers.


Robot Parade

An awesome video of robots.

Geekery Software

iPhone Apps Worth Getting

Worth checking out if you have or are getting an iPhone. I challenge each of you to a iSabre duel.